HOMEEnglishHow to apply


How to Apply

Select the data file of the document that you need, click it, reserve it to your computer. Application of the Mediation of this Center

  1. 1.Required materials for the Application of the Mediation

    The Center must receive the following materials by hand, mail or e-mail.

    1. Form H1, application form, filled out and signed by the applicant.
    2. Initial Application Fee, JPY 10,000.
      The remaining JPY 20,000 is payable upon the confirmation of the respondent’s intention to participate in the mediation.
      Note: If the applicant has obtained the decision on assistance from the Central Authority, the applicant does not need to pay the Application Fee.
      However, this financial assistance from the Central Authority is not always available due to the lack of official confirmation as the Hague Convention Case or the budgest limit of the Central Authority.
    3. Identification document (A copy of passport, driver’s license or other official documents)
    4. Materials supporting the application, if applicable
    5. Form H2-1, the instruction of the application, signed by the applicant
    6. From H2-2, the use of private information, signed by the applicant
    7. A copy of decision on assistance issued by the Central Authority, if it’s obtained
  2. 2.Early Termination of Mediation Process

    Please be advised that due to the voluntary nature of the mediation process, if the respondent decides not to participate in the mediation or does not attend the mediation session, the mediation process is terminated.

Application Form

Form H1: Application Form
Please fill it out and sign.
Form H2-1: Instruction on the Mediation Process for the International Disputes on Child Custody
This form must be carefully read, signed and submitted along with the Application Form.
Form H2-2: Use of Private Information
This form must be carefully read, signed and submitted along with the Application form.

Sample Application Form

Sample Application Form