HOMEEnglishMediation Process


Mediation Process

The Center provides mediation service focusing on amicable resolution for a dispute between a person residing outside of Japan and a person residing in Japan regarding the custody of a child who is younger than 16 (the “International Child Custody Medition Case”).

※About fees

*Please note that no party needs to pay the application fees and award fee if the decision of assistance has been provided by the Japanese Central Authority and the budgeted funds remain available.


An applicant submits an application with required documents and an initial application fee if applicable. Please see "How to Apply" for more information.


The Center review the application and appoints an liaison person for this case.

Delivery of Application

Application is sent to the respondent.

Agree to Participate OR No Intention to Participate

Last Payment of the Application Fee

The applicant pays the remaining application feeif applicable.

Appointment of Mediators

The Center appoints two mediators based on parties' agreement or Center's discretion if no agreement is reached.

Scheduling the Mediation Session

The liaison person will contact parties to schedule the first mediation session.

Background Information Inquiry

Parties prepare the background information inquiry and submit it to mediators.

Mediation Sessions

Mediation sessions are held at the Center's office and each partycan participate in it in person or via Skype.

Settlement Agreement

An agreement is drafted by mediators and reviewed bg parties.
The agreement is signed by both parties and mediators.
The settlement award is paid to the Center if applicable.
The signed agreement is delivered to both parties.